MAITHRY – Bay Area Malayalee Community

Maithry Bay Area Malayalee Community- Building Community. Celebrating Culture.

Upcoming Events

Get ready for fun! Our event calendar is filling up. See what’s in store.

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A Glimpse into Maithry

Welcome to Maithry, your Bay Area connection to Kerala's rich heritage and vibrant community!

Maithry is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering cultural excellence, community growth, and supporting worthy causes in the Bay Area and India. We are a family of over 2,500 families bound by a shared passion for Kerala’s culture and a desire to make a positive impact.

Maithry Utzav is our premier event focusing on providing opportunities to participate in Dance and Music competitions for kids and adults in the Bay Area. This is a fundraiser for Maithry Cancer Care for patients . Please visit  for details about our Utzav program.

Together, let’s celebrate Kerala’s rich tapestry and build a stronger, more vibrant community!
We need you! and your help

Become a Sponsor

Partner with Maithry and gain valuable exposure while supporting our mission.


Share your skills and passion by volunteering for our events and initiatives.